Developers’ Instructions

These are instructions for developers that want to develop pail itself - not for users or webmasters.

Before starting any further work it is highly recommended to create and activate a virtualenv:

$ virtualenv py27
$ source py27/bin/activate

Here we used a Python 2.7 install but pail is also tested with Python 2.6, 3.2, and 3.3.

Now get the source via GitHub

$ git clone

and change into the created pail/ directory.

The development setup is done with:

(py27)$ python dev

This step mainly installs the required external packages (mainly Pillow and WebOb) and needed testing components (py.test and pytest-cov) locally in your virtualenv.


pail testing uses py.test. The recommended way to run tests is therefore:

(py27)$ py.test

py.test should be installed already if you completed the steps above.

You could also run $ python tests, but this approach is less flexible. For instance you currently cannot pass arguments to the test-runner.

For testing with several Python versions in one row pail also provides a tox.ini. So, if you have tox installed, you can run tests for different Python versions like this:

(py27)$ pip install tox  # required only once
(py27)$ tox

Modify tox.ini to your needs.


A coverage report can also be created with:

(py27)$ py.test --cov=pail --cov-report=html

Results can be found in htmlcov/ afterwards. Before submitting patches please make sure that test coverage is at 100%.


The pail docs are created using Sphinx. The required packages can be installed locally doing:

(py27)$ python docs

This will not generate the docs but install the packages needed to create the docs, most notably Sphinx.

The actual docs can then be created with:

(py27)$ sphinx-build docs/ docs/_build/html

Sources for the docs can be found (you guessed it) in the docs/ directory.

Running the WSGI Middleware Locally

If you want to see the whole machinery in real action, you need some local (WSGI) server. Using Paste this is not difficult to set up.

See Deployment – How to Use pail for details.